How does Perceived Discrimination Affect Latinas’ Subjective Career Success?
Blancero, D., Cruz, J.L., Jacobson, R.P., & Jacobson, K.J.L. (2015). How does Perceived Discrimination Affect Latinas’ Subjective Career Success? The Mediating Roles of Increased Work-Family Conflict and Decreased Organizational Commitment. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, BC.
Latinas Attorneys Serving the Public Interest: Justice for All?
Cruz, J. L. (2010, November/December). Latinas Attorneys Serving the Public Interest: Justice for All? Diversity & the Bar, 40-41.
Latinas in the Legal Profession: Why so Few?
Cruz, J. L., (2009, November/December). Latinas in the Legal Profession: Why so Few? Diversity & the Bar, 11(6), 32.
Latina and Latino Career Success: The Role of Acculturation
Cruz, J. L. & Blancero, D.M. (2014). Latina and Latino Career Success: The Role of Acculturation. In M.G. Urbina (Ed.), Beyond Post-Racial America: 21st Century Dynamics of Multiculturalism. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Ltd.
Challenges and Catalysts to Latina Attorneys’ Career Success
Cruz, J. L (2012). Challenges and Catalysts to Latina Attorneys’ Career Success. In D. Blancero and R. DelCampo (Eds.), Hispanics @ Work: A Collection of Research, Theory, and Application.
The Relationship between Latina Attorneys' Family Responsibilities and Career Success in Law Firms
Cruz, J. L. (2011). The Relationship between Latina Attorneys' Family Responsibilities and Career Success in Law Firms. Capella University.
Work Smarter ... Not Harder
One of the key goals for most busy attorneys in their law practice management center around enhancing their overall productivity and effectiveness. How can attorneys develop better behaviors and habits to accomplish their key goals and priorities without feeling the need to constantly work longer and harder?
This webinar examines common productivity blocks for attorneys and incorporates research-based insights on how to best optimize our mental energy, stay focused and make substantive progress toward our goals.
Work Smarter ... Not Harder
Latina Lawyers - Still Too Few and Far Between
After the groundbreaking research on Latinas in the legal profession spearheaded by the HNBA’s Latina Commission, Cruz, one of the principal researchers reports on the results of the implementation of the original study’s recommendations. Presented by the Chicago Bar Association.